2022, Quartier am Hafen, Köln, DE

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz

2023 Beyond Gravity Festival für Digitale Künste, Tanz und Performance 📸Peter Lutz
Art Direction, Concept, Choreography, Dance: Brigitte Huezo
in collaboration with: 3D fashion design & digital AI textures: Kerima Elfaza; 3D art and animation: Lukas Becker (original version) / Max*ine Vajt (revised version); computer science & sound art: Tim Pauli; choreographic assistance: Darya Myasnikova; text: Mia Hofner; special thanks to Silvia Ehnis Duarte.
A production by Brigitte Huezo. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, Digital Dance funding programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland. Supported by the Tanzresidenz 2022 Quartier am Hafen, as well as the Residence Plus format of Tanz Station - Barmer Bahnhof and Freiraum Atelier - Ben J. Riepe Kompanie.
Thanks to the support of nrw landesbuero tanz e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia through guest performance funding for independent dance and theatre groups.

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

@DeadCode_Photo Nathan Ishar

"When code is brought to life by a human body and choreography is developed for the laws of virtual instead of physical space and the biological body. Both are bound up inextricably without ever becoming one..."
Art Direction, Concept, choreography and dance: Brigitte Huezo
in collaboration with
3D artist & Animation: Lukas Becker @turboboy___
3D fashion designer & Digital AI textures: Kerima Elfaza @kerimaelfaza
Computer scientist and sound artist: Tim Pauli #TimPauli
360° Video and photography: Nathan Ishar @pramoediya
360° Tour VR & edition: Brigitte Huezo
Graphic design & print: Michelle Bocker @michellebocker
Text: Mia Hofner @mia_ofnr
Video Teaser: Anna Balthasar @anna_balthasar
Project Assistant Aileen Berndt
A production by Brigitte Huezo "Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, digital dance support programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland."
Supported by Tanzresidenz 2022 Quartier am Hafen, as well as Residence Plus format of Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof and Freiraum Atelier – Ben J. Riepe.
Special thanks : Silvia Ehnis Duarte @sil.ehnis
@dachverbandtanzdeutschland @tanzdigital @quartieramhafen @tanzstationbarmerbahnhof @freiraum_duesseldorf
#hybriddance #virtualbody #digitalhacks
#2022 #tanzdigital
#cyberfeminism #glitchcyberbodies #AFK #collaborations
#staypunk #stayhacky #queeringthenetwork
Art Direction, Concept, choreography and dance: Brigitte Huezo
in collaboration with
3D artist & Animation: Lukas Becker @turboboy___
3D fashion designer & Digital AI textures: Kerima Elfaza @kerimaelfaza
Computer scientist and sound artist: Tim Pauli #TimPauli
360° Video and photography: Nathan Ishar @pramoediya
360° Tour VR & edition: Brigitte Huezo
Graphic design & print: Michelle Bocker @michellebocker
Text: Mia Hofner @mia_ofnr
Video Teaser: Anna Balthasar @anna_balthasar
Project Assistant Aileen Berndt
A production by Brigitte Huezo "Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, digital dance support programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland."
Supported by Tanzresidenz 2022 Quartier am Hafen, as well as Residence Plus format of Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof and Freiraum Atelier – Ben J. Riepe.
Special thanks : Silvia Ehnis Duarte @sil.ehnis
@dachverbandtanzdeutschland @tanzdigital @quartieramhafen @tanzstationbarmerbahnhof @freiraum_duesseldorf
#hybriddance #virtualbody #digitalhacks
#2022 #tanzdigital
#cyberfeminism #glitchcyberbodies #AFK #collaborations
#staypunk #stayhacky #queeringthenetwork